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NYC Plastic Surgeon Reacts to the “Old Filter” on TikTok

What is your opinion on the old filter on TikTok? What's going right with it? What's wrong with it?

The "old filter" on TikTok has been trending immensely where users apply a filter that gives them the appearance of being aged or transformed into their older selves. 

What's Going Right:

1. Entertainment Value: The old filter trend has gained popularity due to its entertainment value. Many users find it amusing and enjoy seeing themselves or others transformed into older versions, imagining what they might look like in the future.

What's Wrong:

1. Accuracy and Misrepresentation: One of the criticisms of the old filter is that it doesn't always provide an accurate representation of how someone might age. The filter's algorithm may not consider individual features, lifestyle factors, or genetic variations that contribute to the aging process. As a result, the filtered results may not reflect a realistic depiction of an individual's future appearance.

2. Potential Negative Impact: While the old filter is generally intended for entertainment purposes, the filter could potentially lead to age-related insecurities or negative self-perception, especially for individuals who feel anxious about aging or have body image concerns. It's important for users to remember that the filter is just a digital effect and not a reflection of their actual future appearance.

In your professional experience, what impact do you think the old filter on TikTok can have on people's self-esteem and body image

As a triple board certified Facial Plastic surgeon and practicing for 27 years now, it is now more than ever with cases of self esteem and unrealistic body images of a patient's wants. It is crucial to recognize the potential negative impact of such filters on self-esteem and body image. Social media platforms often present idealized standards of beauty that can create unrealistic expectations and contribute to feelings of inadequacy.

Filters, including the "old age" filter, can exacerbate these issues by distorting one's perception of their own appearance and promoting an unattainable standard of beauty. When individuals constantly compare themselves to heavily filtered or digitally manipulated images, it can lead to dissatisfaction with their own looks and potentially impact their self-esteem after non-surgical or surgical procedures.

Moreover, the use of filters on social media platforms can contribute to the normalization of altered appearances, making it challenging to differentiate between real and digitally enhanced images. This can create a distorted perception of what is considered natural or normal, further influencing body image concerns.

Can the old filter on TikTok create unrealistic expectations among users who may seek plastic surgery to achieve the filtered appearance down the line?

Yes, the use of filters on TikTok, especially those that alter one's appearance by enhancing features or creating a flawless look, can contribute to unrealistic expectations among users. When individuals repeatedly see themselves or others with perfect appearances through filters, it can create a distorted perception of beauty and an unrealistic standard for how they should look in real life.

This distortion can potentially lead some users to consider undergoing plastic surgery to achieve the filtered appearance they desire. They may develop a belief that plastic surgery is the only way to attain the flawless look they see on TikTok, even though filters are not representative of real-life appearances. This can be concerning, as it may lead to unnecessary surgical procedures, dissatisfaction with natural features, and potential psychological distress.

It's essential for users to remember that filters are simply digital enhancements and do not reflect reality. Social media platforms like TikTok can heavily influence users' self-perception and body image, so it's important to maintain a critical perspective and recognize that real beauty comes in diverse forms. Promoting self-acceptance, body positivity, and an understanding of digital manipulation can help mitigate the potential negative impact of filters on users' mental well-being and their perceptions of beauty.

What are your thoughts on individuals using the old filter on TikTok to promote or showcase cosmetic procedures? How does it impact people's perception of these procedures?

Using the old filter on TikTok to promote or showcase cosmetic procedures can have both positive and negative effects on people's perception of these procedures.

On the positive side, showcasing cosmetic procedures through the old filter on TikTok can help to destigmatize these procedures by making them appear more relatable and accessible. It allows individuals to demonstrate their personal experiences and share their journey with others, potentially fostering a sense of community and support.

Additionally, using the old filter may provide a visual representation of the potential results of cosmetic procedures, which can be helpful for those considering such procedures. It allows people to see the potential transformations and decide if they align with their own aesthetic goals.

However, there are also potential negative implications. By utilizing the old filter, the portrayal of cosmetic procedures may become distorted or exaggerated. This could create unrealistic expectations among viewers, as the filter alters one's appearance significantly and may not accurately represent the actual outcomes of the procedures. Consequently, it may mislead people about the realistic results and potential risks associated with cosmetic procedures.

Moreover, the focus on filters and aesthetics could place an undue emphasis on external appearance and reinforce societal beauty standards. This may lead to increased pressure on individuals to conform to these standards, potentially impacting their self-esteem and body image.

  • As a plastic surgeon, what ethical concerns do you have regarding the promotion of cosmetic procedures on TikTok, particularly when it comes to potentially vulnerable or impressionable users?

  • Unrealistic Expectations: TikTok's fast-paced, visually oriented nature can contribute to the dissemination of exaggerated or unrealistic expectations about the outcomes of cosmetic procedures. This can lead to disappointment, dissatisfaction, and a desire for additional procedures.

  • Pressure and Coercion: Some TikTok users, particularly those who are young or vulnerable, may feel pressured to undergo cosmetic procedures after watching influencers or others promoting them. This pressure could stem from a desire to fit societal beauty standards or to gain social acceptance.

  • Body Image and Self-Esteem: TikTok's emphasis on appearance can negatively impact the body image and self-esteem of vulnerable users. Promoting cosmetic procedures on the platform may perpetuate an unhealthy focus on physical appearance, leading individuals to seek surgical interventions as a solution to their insecurities.

  • Psychological Screening: Many plastic surgeons emphasize the importance of psychological screening before performing cosmetic procedures. TikTok's platform does not provide an opportunity for surgeons to evaluate a user's mental health or motivations for seeking cosmetic procedures, which could impact their decision-making process.

  • What steps can be taken to promote a healthier perception of beauty among TikTok users in the presence of filters?

Tik Tok creators, celebrities or influencers who openly discuss their experiences with body image, self-esteem, and being open to procedures done can create a realistic environment in real life. Sharing personal stories and journeys can help inspire others and create a supportive community.

What advice or recommendations would you provide to individuals who may feel influenced by the old filter on TikTok in terms of their self-image and self-acceptance?

We spend numerous hours a day on social media platforms and see an idealized version of reality. Recognize the illusion: Filters can drastically alter appearances, creating unrealistic beauty standards. Remember that what you see on TikTok is not an accurate representation of people's everyday lives or natural appearances.Remember, everyone puts their best out there on social media. Many do not post the struggles, insecurities, and self esteem issues to the world out there. Your social media following has a lot to do with your mental health, follow individuals who are motivating, real for who they are and most importantly encourage a healthy mindset. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can help counteract the negative impact of unrealistic beauty standards.