About Breast Reduction in New York and New Jersey
Large breasts can take a toll on self-esteem, and confidence, and can cause back and neck pain due to the weight of the breasts. With breast reduction surgery the breast size can be reduced by removing part of the excess fat and glandular tissue of the breast restoring a natural and feminine shape. Dr. Franck at Kassir Plastic Surgery specializes in aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery and knows that there is much more to breast reduction surgery than just removing tissue. Every patient has unique anatomy and unique wants. Dr. Franck’s attention to detail and dedication to perfection will lead to the highest quality of care.
Who Is a Candidate For Breast Reduction Surgery?
You likely know already if you're a candidate because you're tired of the emotional and physical stress due to large breasts. Often other findings that are associated with large breasts are bad posture, back pain, bra strap grooving, rashes along the lower breast fold, and difficulty finding proper clothing.
If you always wanted to do something about your large breasts, please reach out to us. We look forward to lending you a hand and providing the best plan for you. The goal is to create smaller breasts with a beautiful shape and contour that fit your body and are comfortable.
The Process Of Breast Reduction Surgery
The surgery is performed in our surgical centers either in New York or New Jersey. The surgery usually takes between two and three hours and will vary on the amount of breast tissue that is being removed. You will be fully asleep during the procedure under general anesthesia. After you wake up you will rest in our recovery suite and once you're fully awake and comfortable you will go home the same day.
Where Will The Scars Be For a Breast Reduction?
Most large breasts require an inverted T or anchor incision in order to adequately reduce the breast volume and recreate a natural shape. For slightly smaller volume reductions and vertical short scar incision for analysis incision line around the areola and downward. Can be used. During the consultation process with Dr. Franck and his New York or New Jersey office, he will give you a clear idea of where you can expect the incisions to be.
Breast Reduction Recovery
You will wake up following surgery with sterile dressings on your incisions and a light supportive bra for your breasts. You will immediately feel the change in weight on your chest. Immediately after surgery, you will be tired as a result of anesthesia. It is important to stay well hydrated during this time. Pain with the procedure is mild to minimal and can be well controlled with oral pain medication. The sutures are dissolvable and your surgical dressing will be changed on your first follow-up visit a few days after surgery. The breast might be slightly bruised which resolves in a few days. The breasts will be swollen as a result of surgery for several days. We recommend taking off one week from work to rest. You can shower and resume light activity immediately after surgery. More strenuous activity should be avoided until two weeks from surgery.
Complications of Breast Reduction Surgery
Complications for breast reduction surgery are similar to all surgical procedures and include possible bleeding from the surgical site or a local infection that usually resolves with antibiotics. Unique for operations on the breasts are possible changes in sensation of the breast skin and the areola, although these usually resolve with time. When you meet with Dr. Franck a consultation he will take the time to go through all possible side effects and adverse events and how they might relate to you. All questions and concerns will be addressed and answered so you can make an informed decision.
Do you think breast reduction is the right operation for you or would you like to know more?
Please reach out to us for more information or schedule a consultation with Dr. Franck in New York or New Jersey to start your transformation to a more comfortable breast size today.