Sleep, Snoring and Sinus Procedures
Turbinate Reduction
Results from clinical studies confirm that use of radio frequency to reduce turbinates improves breathing in patients almost immediately and snoring usually improves within three to four weeks of the procedure.
Nasal turbinates (or nasal concha) are bony and soft-tissue structures inside the nose. Their purpose is to trap dirt, dust, and particles like pollen so these irritants do not enter your lungs. They also add moisture and heat the air you breathe in which helps your lungs operate more effectively.
Allergies and other conditions can cause irritation, inflammation, and enlargement of the turbinates resulting in a blocked nasal airway (stuffy nose). Blocked nasal airway is a contributor to snoring.
Symptoms of enlarged turbinates include:
Chronic stuffy nose
Mouth breathing
Decreased energy and fatigue
Occasional to frequent sinus infections
Most people find relief of their chronic stuffy nose with medications like antihistamines, decongestants or topical nasal steroids. When medications are ineffective in controlling symptoms or the nasal blockage is significant, minimally invasive or surgical treatments are necessary to reduce the size of the turbinates.
NY and NJ Snoring & Sinus physicians perform Radio Frequency Turbinate Reduction to help our patients breathe better through their nose, reducing chronic stuffy nose, sinus infections, and snoring symptoms. The procedure is a quick, virtually painless office procedure with a fast recovery and a low incidence of side effects. Clinical studies have shown the procedure results in a reduction of nasal blockage by 50% within a week.1
During a Radio Frequency (RF) Turbinate Reduction, under local anesthetic a probe is inserted into the turbinate in the nose to shrink some of the tissue within the turbinate thus reducing its size. RF is a lower-temperature technique for reduction of the turbinates. This is important because the mucous membranes are not altered, preserving normal nasal function. Preservation of the mucus membranes is important as they secrete mucus that traps small particles such as bacteria and dust. This helps to prevent foreign particles from entering the lungs and keeps the inside of the nose moisturized.
Results from clinical studies confirm that use of radio frequency to reduce turbinates improves breathing in patients almost immediately and snoring usually improves within three to four weeks of the procedure.
The procedure is quick and takes about 90 seconds per side to complete the passes of the RF probe using only local anesthetic.
High levels of patient satisfaction
Effective relief that increase over time
Sustained reduction in degree of nasal obstruction at three, six and 12 months.1
At three months, 75 percent of patients report improvement in nasal breathing, increasing to 85 percent of patients at six months.2
Turbinate reduction procedures are usually covered by insurance.