Everything About the Best Brachioplasty in NYC: Brachioplasty Cost, Brachioplasty Scars, and more.
An arm lift, also known as a Brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of your arms. Dr. Philipp Franck is a leading plastic surgeon in New York and New Jersey, specializing in arm lift surgery. It can involve removing loose skin and excess fat from the upper arm area, as well as tightening the underlying tissue. An arm lift is often done in conjunction with other procedures such as a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), breast surgery, and liposuction.
If you are bothered by the sagging appearance of your arms and considering arm lift procedure, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with the procedure. Dr. Franck will thoroughly discuss these with you during your consultation.
How is an arm lift performed?
The surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis, which means you will be able to go home the same day as your surgery. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes about two to three hours to complete. Dr. Franck performs surgery at our state-of-the-art surgical facilities that are accredited by the American Association of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAASF). The arm incision will be made either along the back of the arm or the inner side of the arm. Depending on the extent of tissue that is going to be removed the incision will either end in the axilla or extent on the chest wall. Dr. Franck will then tighten and reshape the underlying tissue and skin. Dr. Franck will use liposuction to remove additional fat and sculpt the arm to restore a natural and youthful shape. The excess skin is then trimmed away and the incisions are closed with internal stitches. Depending on the extent of excision a drainage tube might be placed to decrease swelling. In order to further help with swelling the arms will be placed in a gentle compression dressing.
Benefits of an arm lift?
Arm lift results will be immediately visible. However, it may take a few months for the incisions to heal and for the swelling to fully subside. Once your recovery is complete, you will enjoy more toned and youthful-looking arms. The results of arm lift surgery are usually long-lasting but can be affected by factors such as weight gain or loss, aging, and sun exposure
There are many benefits that come with improving the contour of your arms and removing excess skin and arm tissue. These benefits can include:
-Tighter, firmer upper arms
-Improved arm contour
-Increased confidence and self-esteem
What are the different techniques for an arm lift?
There are different techniques for an arm lift, depending on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed. The three most common types of incisions are the classic, short scar, and Z-incision.
Classic: The most common method to address general sagginess and excess fat along the upper arm.
Short Scar: A short scar arm lift is used for minimal arm lift when the majority of excess fat and skin is located close to the axilla.
Z-Incision: A Z-incision is used for the extended lift. The excess tissue tends to extend to the upper chest.
Will the arm lift incision be noticeable?
The incision is usually hidden on the back side of the arm and within the crease of the armpit. This way it is concealed in the best possible way and won't be noticeable from the front. However, there will be some visible scarring that will continue to improve over time. Furthermore, the inner arm incision or incision on the back will fade over time Dr. Franck uses special internal sutures that will decrease tension on the incision and minimize scarring.
Am I a candidate for arm lift surgery?
Most patients are healthy individuals who have realistic expectations about the results of their surgery. You may be a good candidate for arm lift procedure if you are at or near your ideal weight and have any of the following concerns:
Excess skin on the upper arms that hangs down and causes “bat wings”
Sagging skin on your upper arms
Excess fat around your arms that does not respond to diet or exercise
Excess skin laxity of your upper arms
Will insurance cover my arm lift surgery?
In most cases, the surgery is considered to be a cosmetic procedure and will not be covered by insurance. However, if you have undergone massive weight loss and have excess skin on your arms that is causing medical problems such as rashes or infections, your insurance may cover the cost of the procedure.
There are a few medical reasons why your insurance company may cover arm lift surgery. These can include:
- Severe skin irritation from excess skin in the arm area
- Loss of arm function due to excess skin
- Infection in the arm area due to excess skin
Arm lift recovery. What can I expect?
You will need to take it easy for the first few days following surgery. It is important to keep your arms elevated as much as possible to help reduce swelling. Pain after an arm lift procedure can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. Most patients can expect to return to work and their normal activities within two weeks. However, you should avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for at least four to six weeks. You will also need to wear a compression garment on your arms for the first few weeks. The remaining skin will fill tight at first but it will slightly stretch over time. Dr. Franck will give you specific instructions on how to care for your incisions and what activities you should avoid during your recovery.
What are the risks of arm lift surgery?
As with any surgery, there are always potential risks and complications that can occur. These can include:
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Blood clots
- Numbness or tingling in the arm area
- Scarring
- Unfavorable or delayed wound healing
- Skin loss
- Persistent arm swelling
- Asymmetry
Most of these complications can be avoided by choosing a trained and experienced plastic surgeon such as Dr. Franck who has extensive experience performing brachioplasty surgery. You should also follow all of the postoperative instructions given to you by your surgeon to help ensure a smooth and successful recovery.
What other related procedures?
There are a few other procedures that can be performed in conjunction with an arm lift, such as a facial tummy tuck, mommy makeover, abdominoplasty, or breast procedures including a breast lift, augmentation, or reduction. These procedures can help to create a more proportionate and balanced look for your body.
Want to know more about arm lift surgery in New York and New Jersey?
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your arms and would like to learn more about the arm lift procedure, contact our office today at 212-288-3000 to schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Franck or use our online form. We will be happy to answer any questions you have and help you decide if arm lift surgery is right for you.