Tired of looking older than you feel? Find out how to turn back the clock a decade or more with a signature Eyelid Surgery by Dr. Kassir.

Blepharoplasty New York
Blepharoplasty, also known as an eyelid lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the eyelids. The eyes are the center of attention and the first focus when looking someone in the face. At the same time no other part of the face can show signs of aging as prominently as the face.
Eyelid lift surgery can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both.
Dr. Ramtin Kassir is a triple-board certified facial plastic surgeon who has over twenty years of experience with facial procedures. He is considered one of the best surgeons in the world for facial aesthetic surgery in New York and New Jersey.
If you are considering blepharoplasty, we will provide you with all the necessary information you'll need. Ultimately you should meet with Dr. Kassir to see what procedure works best for you. It takes a qualified and experienced surgeon like Dr. Kassir to perform eyelid surgery safely and successfully; blepharoplasty is a delicate surgery and requires great skill and precision to achieve optimal results.
What exactly is blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery
Eyelid surgery or "blepharoplasty" corrects the signs of aging in both the upper and lower eyelids. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty often addresses redundant upper eyelid skin and lifts the lid. A droopy lid will make you look tired and exhausted. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty often targets the puffy or hollow tear trough area.
Thousands of men and women in the world undergo this procedure every year to reduce puffiness and "bags" under the eyes as well as excess skin, which may even impair vision. It is one of the most popular surgeries in New York and New Jersey. Eyelid surgery can be done in conjunction with other procedures such as facelift and brow lift to achieve the desired look. Dr. Kassir will advise you on what you will benefit from the most.
You are bothered by tired, puffy eyes or excess eyelid skin and want to know how to start the process?
What is the difference between upper and lower eyelid surgery?
Blepharoplasty addresses the upper and lower eyelids. Upper blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that addresses the excess skin, fat, and sometimes low-hanging upper eyelid. Increased skin laxity and drooping upper eyelid skin will often lead to a tired appearance. Upper blepharoplasty restores the youthful shape and removes excess skin. The incision for upper blepharoplasty is hidden in natural skin folds and will be indistinguishable.
Lower blepharoplasty addresses issues of the lower eyelids. While excess lower eyelid skin can be directly excised the incision for lower blepharoplasty is often hidden within the eyelid. The main concerns for the lower eyelid are often dark circles, puffy eyelid bags, and an aged appearance. By removing some of the excess fat and drooping skin the shape of the lower eyelid can be restored and enhanced, leading to an overall more youthful appearance. Both procedures can be performed by themselves or in combination. Eyelid surgery is an outpatient procedure. Dr. Kassir performs eyelid surgery in his state-of-the-art operating facilities in New York or New Jersey.
How is blepharoplasty surgery performed?
Upper blepharoplasty is often performed to address excess upper eyelid skin also known as dermatochalasis and protruding fat. It is usually performed through incisions that follow the natural lines of your eyelids; in the creases of your upper lids. Through these incisions, Dr. Kassir will remove any excess skin and fat. In some cases, a small amount of muscle may also be removed. The incisions are then closed with very fine sutures. Upper blepharoplasty usually takes 1 to 2 hours to perform.
Lower blepharoplasty or lower eyelid surgery is generally performed through an incision just below the lash line if loose and excess skin needs to be removed. If no skin needs to be excised, Dr. Kassir will likely perform a transconjunctival blepharoplasty, where the incision is made inside the lower eyelid and there are no visible scars. In all cases, the surgeon then removes excess fat from the eyelid bags or repositions it in order to create a smooth and more youthful lower eyelid and cheek.
Do you need anesthesia for eyelid surgery?
In most cases, upper eyelid surgery can be performed with just local anesthesia. Lower blepharoplasty may require local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia because the incision is hidden within the lid and can be uncomfortable for the awake patient. Either way, you will be able to return home the same day after lower and or upper eyelid surgery. The first night should be spent relaxing. Activity should be kept to a minimum. A liquid diet is best for the first eighteen hours after anesthesia. Pain should be minimal. Tylenol is usually enough to control any minor discomfort. Additional pain medication will be provided, in the event that it is needed.
What is the recovery time for eyelid surgery?
Recovery times vary from patient to patient but are generally short. Bruising, swelling and a sense of tightness in the eyelids are common after eyelid surgery that will peak after 2 to 3 days and then start to dissipate. It is important to keep your head elevated during this time by sleeping on a pillow with the head slightly elevated. Most patients resume activities in 3-5 days, when non-absorbable stitches are removed, and return to work in about 10 days.
By one to two months after surgery, you should see the true results of your eyelid lift: a more awake and cheerful look around the eyes, and greater self-confidence. Contact lenses may not be worn for two weeks. Eyes can be sensitive to light and wind and may be slightly irritated for a short while; your surgeon may prescribe eye drops and cool compresses to ease any discomfort.
It is recommended that physical activity, such as running or lifting be resumed three weeks after the surgery.
Post-operative care tips
sleep slightly elevated, with 2-3 pillows in your bed
ice around the eyes to minimize swelling
stay well hydrated
avoid contacts
avoid strenuous activity for 2 weeks
ophtalmic ointment at night before sleeping
eye drops for irritation
How to best prepare for eyelid surgery?
If you want to be prepared for your eyelid surgery in New York we have a few suggestions:
You should stop taking any medications that can thin your blood two weeks prior to blepharoplasty as well as stop smoking at least four weeks before and two weeks after blepharoplasty. This will help to decrease the risk of bleeding and bruising.
Be sure to drink plenty of water leading up to surgery as this will help to keep the skin around your eyes hydrated. If you have any underlying conditions of your eyes it is very important that you consult with your ophthalmologist prior to the procedure.
You should also avoid wearing contact lenses for at least two weeks before blepharoplasty.
It is important that you have someone to drive you home after blepharoplasty as well as stay with you for at least the first night.
Dr. Kassir is an expert in facial plastic surgery and has decades of experience in performing plastic surgery of the upper eyelids and lower eyelid. He will know exactly how to best address your needs and concerns.
If you are interested in learning more about blepharoplasty or other facial rejuvenation procedures, please write us or give us a call at 212-288-3000
No, you should not experience any pain during the surgery. You may feel some pressure and tugging, but this should not be painful. After eyelid surgery, your discomfort can be controlled with over-the-counter Tylenol.
You should avoid strenuous activity for at least three weeks after blepharoplasty.
Yes, you can still have blepharoplasty even if you have dry eyes. It is important to see your ophthalmologist before surgery.
The results of blepharoplasty are long-lasting for many years. The sagging skin will be removed and even though the effects of aging and gravity will continue and the skin will slowly cause to droop again, it will take years. In short, your eyelids will appear much improved than without the surgery.
The cost of blepharoplasty surgery in New York City ranges and depends if upper and lower eyelids surgery are performed at the same time. To get an estimate for your surgery it is necessary to consult with facial plastic surgeon Dr. Kassir prior to any procedure. The exact fee will be determined during your consultation with Dr. Kassir so that you are aware of all costs before proceeding with surgery. You can also visit our price page for more information.
Frequently asked questions about eyelid lift surgery
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To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Kassir or Dr. Franck, please call the office or request an appointment online. We welcome your visit.