Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kassir is an expert in chin augmentation or reduction. Here will find everything you need to know about your options
“I was always very self-conscious of my chin and since my procedure I finally feel comfortable and confident in my own skin. I love my chin because it looks natural and no one would ever know.”
Dr. Kassir specializes in chin augmentation surgery in NJA receding chin may be improved by chin implants. This improves the profile by creating a better balance between the chin and other facial features. Chin and cheek implants are commonly performed in conjunction with other procedures such as nasal reshaping (rhinoplasty) and face/neck lifts.
Chin Augmentation Procedure Details
A mentoplasty, commonly referred to as a chin augmentation is usually desired by the patient or suggested by Dr. Kassir when there is a small or recessive chin that disrupts facial harmony. A chin augmentation surgery can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. During a consult, Dr. Kassir will recommend a custom chin implant size that works in harmony with the rest of the facial features. During the procedure, Dr. Kassir makes a small incision below the chin and inserts the implant. When done by an experienced plastic surgeon, the patient should not feel the implant. After this procedure, the patient may be allowed to go home and they can resume normal activities in public within a few days. We have found that most of our patients have a mentoplasty in combination with other facial procedures, such as rhinoplasty, to create maximum facial balance without having to go under anesthesia more than once. Dr. Kassir will use the most appropriate implant and technique to fit the contour and projection necessary to achieve your desired look.
Am I a Good Candidate for a Chin Augmentation?
The best candidates for a chin augmentation procedure wish to:
Improve a receding or "weak" chin
Improve facial balance
Eliminate appearance of a "double chin"
Create a more defined jawline
A chin augmentation by Dr. Kassir can drastically improve the profile by creating a sharper, more defined jawline. Chin implants are often used in conjunction with a rhinoplasty, as well as cheek implants to achieve a more contoured, balanced facial appearance.
Dr. Kassir is an expert in chin augmentations, which helps to achieve balance among other facial features. A chin augmentation is performed to create a better profile by enhancing the chin and jawline.