The Latest Cosmetic Craze: Buccal Fat Pad Removal

Liam Payne’s New Look

For years, celebrities have been turning to cosmetic procedures to enhance their looks. But there’s a new craze that is taking Hollywood by storm and it’s called buccal fat pad removal. This procedure involves the removal of fat pads located in the cheeks and promises to give you a more sculpted and chiseled face. So what’s all the fuss about? Let’s take a closer look at buccal fat pad removal and how it can affect your look.

What Is Buccal Fat Pad Removal?

Buccal fat pad removal is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that removes the natural cushioning from your cheeks. In some cases, this fat padding can make one’s face appear fuller than is desired. Thus, by removing this excess facial fat, buccal fat pad removal can help create a more angular, chiseled look for the patient.

The Procedure

Buccal fat pad removal is typically done as an outpatient procedure with local anesthesia. A small incision will be made inside of the mouth in order to access the cheek area where the excess facial fat resides. The surgeon will then carefully remove the desired amount of facial fat while preserving any essential tissue or muscles in the area. Once removed, this tissue is then discarded, leaving behind a more defined and angular face shape for the patient to enjoy.

Recovery Process

The recovery process for buccal fat pad removal typically takes between 1-2 weeks depending on individual healing rates and post-operative care instructions followed by patients. During this time period, patients should avoid strenuous physical activity as well as contact sports and other activities that could cause further injury or complications during their recovery period. Patients may also experience some swelling or bruising around their cheeks which should subside after several days or weeks depending on individual healing rates and post-operative care instructions followed by patients following surgery.


Buccal fat pad removal has become an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure among celebrities looking to achieve a more chiseled look for their faces without undergoing extensive plastic surgery procedures like facelifts or chin implants/jawline augmentations (which are much more invasive).

Liam Payne recently unveiled his new look which many speculate was achieved through buccal fat pad removal, weight loss medication Ozempic, cheekbone filler injections, or even jawline fillers--or perhaps even all four! No matter how he achieved his newly sculpted face shape, however, it's clear that buccal fat pad removal is definitely here to stay in Hollywood circles!

Dr. Ramtin Kassir

About the author:

Dr. Kassir is a triple-Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon with nearly 30 years of experience. As a renowned surgeon and member of the society of facial plastic surgeons, he has been featured in numerous media and news outlets. He pioneered the non-surgical rhinoplasty and has performed thousands of surgeries on patients from all over the world.


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